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How to Make Travel and Fitness Fit Together

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When it comes to working out, nothing can kill a consistent routine quite like traveling. The sporadic schedule, staying in hotels or AirBnBs, and dining out can quickly derail even the best intentions. But what if we told you there’s a solution, and it’s currently in your pocket?

That’s right, head to your phone or other mobile device for online fitness training. With this technology, you can find the time and space to get in your workouts, no matter how many frequent flier miles you’re racking up. And with the holiday season in full swing, this flexibility and convenience will be especially needed.

Benefits of Online Fitness to Keep You on Track

You don’t have to give up on your exercise routine, whether traveling on vacation, for work, or the holidays. Here are just a few ways an online training platform can help!

Accessibility of fitness programs

Staying in a hotel? A treehouse? A tent? If there’s an internet connection, you’ve got a workout at your fingertips. With online platforms like Forge, your fitness program is conveniently delivered right to your mobile device. And, whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, you can access the workout whenever you want. No more missed classes or personal trainer sessions!

Portable fitness

If you’re planning a trip, you may be wondering how to pack your weights, workout gear, and more. But with an online platform, you don’t need to worry about exceeding your baggage weight limit. Many online fitness routines require minimal or no equipment, making them perfect for travelers. You can do bodyweight exercises or use portable fitness tools like resistance bands, making it easier to stay active on the go. HIIT training is another great option for those on the go or with busy schedules. 

Boredom buster fitness plans

They say variety is the spice of life, and the same is true for working out. In fact, varying your routine can be a great way to ensure you stick with an exercise program, get maximum results, and meet your goals. Luckily, many online platforms offer a wide range of exercise programs, from strength training to cardio to flexibility and mobility training. 

One-on-one support from personal trainers

In-person workouts offer gym-goers the added bonus of real-time support and guidance from an instructor. This can be invaluable in avoiding injury, asking questions, and making changes to a workout. You may be surprised to learn that this can still happen with an online platform. For example, here at Forge, we offer unlimited in-app messaging with our coaches and video chats or phone calls to ensure you’re on track and feeling supported.

Personalized plans to fit your specific needs

Finding a fitness routine that you actually enjoy is crucial to sticking to a wellness plan. With an online coach, they can get to know your needs, preferences, goals, and schedule to create tailored workout plans that work for you. Whether you just got a job that requires extensive traveling, or you’re headed out of town for an extended holiday break, you and your coach can find a workout plan that will work for your travel plans.

Accountability and motivation

A busy travel schedule, especially during the holidays, can offer a wide range of distractions that can send your exercise routine off course. But, the same accountability, workout tracking, and coaching you might expect from an in-person trainer is still available with an online coach and can go with you wherever you are. Staying in contact with an online coach can keep you motivated and offer encouragement and guidance, which can be crucial when you’re on the go. In a nutshell, online fitness is made for the busy traveler!

Personalization, accountability, portability, and variety are just a few of the benefits that online training can offer when you’re on the move. If you want to see how Forge’s online personal training can fit into your travel schedule, book a free consultation to learn more!

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